"This morning I woke up with a stuffy nose and a bad attitude. The country of Italy has been sharting on my parade lately. I find myself one week into my second semester with no cell phone and a looming research paper. Hopefully by now youve heard of or seen Martin, the emotiinal egg that i created and then destroyed. My next project is to demystify the appeal of breasts. What is so attractive about two fatty deposits punctuated by nipples? Being the emotionally educated, satan worshipping and food detesting individual that you are I thought you could help me with the answer to this question. Or at the very least give me a horrifyingly brilliant quote for my otherwise emotionless paper. Ive heard of your windeXcapades and find them to be enthralling. True definitions of insanity.
Anyways hope youre spreading the religion of emotion FAR and WIDE"